PK-Sim Database Description
PK-Sim uses an SQLite database to store data models and templates. In this part of the developer documentation we will present this database with a thorough description of its structure and tables.
More specifically, in the PK-Sim DB, we store:
Structural models for PBPK modeling of small and large molecules:
Anatomical and physiological parameters in different animal species and human populations for healthy individuals
For details regarding parameterization of diseased individuals please refer to tab_population_disease_states.
Templates for small and large molecules.
Templates for optional processes like
Metabolizing pathways
Different active transporter types (influx, efflux, bidirectional)
Protein binding partners
Templates for various administration routes and formulations
Prediction models for
Tissue partition coefficients
Cellular permeabilities
Intestinal permeability
Templates for events (meals etc.)
The database can be found in the PK-Sim repository under src/Db/PKSimDB.sqlite.
DB Schema Diagrams
For this documentation segment, database schema diagrams were created using the SchemaCrawler. You can find a short description of how to install and use the SchemaCrawler for creating schema diagrams here.
General remarks
When a database value describes a numeric property of a quantity (e.g., parameter value, allowed value range, etc.), the value is always stored in the base unit of the dimension of the quantity.
Check the OSP Dimensions Repository to see what the base unit of a dimension is!
Some of the common properties used in many tables:
display_name The name of the entity to be used in the UI in PK-Sim.
NOTE: MoBi does not support the "display name" concept, so all entities are displayed with their internal name. Also within a model all objects are stored with their internal name. It is therefore advisable to keep the display name the same as the internal name. Exceptions are e.g. special characters like "*", "|" etc. which cannot be used in internal names.
description Longer description of the entity, which is displayed as a tooltip in PK-Sim and can be edited in MoBi.
sequence Used to sort objects in the UI (unless another sorting algorithm applies, e.g. alphabetical).
icon_name Defines which icon is used for the entity.
If not empty: the icon with the given name must be present in the
{min_value, min_isallowed, max_value, max_isallowed} specifies the allowed range of values for a numeric quantity.
min_isallowed and max_isallowed define whether the corresponding bounded value range is open or closed.
min_value can be empty. In this case the lower bound is
. The value of min_isallowed will then be ignored.max_value can be empty. In this case the upper bound is
. The value of max_isallowed will then be ignored.
Boolean values are always represented as integers restricted to {0, 1}.
❕ Before renaming or removing basic entities (parameters, containers, observers): you should always check if the modified entity is explicitly used by its name in PK-Sim or in the OSPSuite.Core. If so, further code changes are required to reflect the database change! In some cases, the database objects that appear to be unused (when looking only at the database) are actually used in PK-Sim to create objects on the fly.
Overview diagrams
Each of the following subsections focuses on one aspect and shows only a subset of the database tables relevant to that topic. The last subsection shows the complete schema with all tables.
A container is a model entity that can have children. In the context of PK-Sim, everything except parameters and observers is a container.
tab_container_namesdescribes an abstract container (e.g. "Plasma"), which can be inserted at various places in the container structure defined in tab_containers.
container_type is used, for example, to map a container to the correct container class in PK-Sim.
extension is not used by PK-Sim and is only useful for some database update scripts.
icon_name defines which icon is used for a container.
There are some "special" containers defined in tab_container_names that are not used in the container hierarchy defined in tab_containers. These containers are only used for referential integrity when defining some relative object paths (see the Formulas section for more details).
tab_container_typesdefines available container types.
tab_organ_typesclassifies containers of type ORGAN
. This classification is used in PK-Sim to group organs in different views (e.g. Tissue Organs vs. Vascular System vs. GI Tract etc.).
container_type is always set to "ORGAN".
organ_name is the name of the organ.
organ_type can be one of the values defined in enum OrganType.
tab_containersdefines the container hierarchy and includes all possible containers which can appear in a model. When a model is created, some containers are filtered out based on the information in tab_model_containers and tab_population_containers (s. below)
Each container within a hierarchy is identified by the combination
{container_id, container_type, container_name}
is unique across all containers. In principle, it would be sufficient to use only the container id as the primary key. Container type and container name have been included in the primary key for convenience (e.g. when querying data from other tables, it is not always necessary to include tab_containers and tab_container_names etc.).
Each container can have a parent container defined by the combination
{parent_container_id, parent_container_type, parent_container_name}
.Containers that appear at the top level of the Spatial Structure are defined as children of the special
container. TheROOT
container itself has no parent.container_id container_type container_name parent_container_id parent_container_type parent_container_name 146
Top containers of other building blocks (Passive Transports, Reactions, Events, Formulations, ...) are all defined as containers without a parent.
tab_containers.visible defines if a container is shown in PK-Sim in hierarchy view (TODO rename column to is_visible).
tab_containers.is_logical defines if a container is physical or logical (s. the OSP documentation for details).
tab_container_tagsdescribes which additional tags are added to a container.
the name of a container is always added as a tag programmatically and does not need to be added here.
tab_neighborhoodsdefines 2 neighbor containers for each neighborhood of a spatial structure
There are no rules or restrictions as to which of 2 adjacent containers must be defined as the first and which as the second container. For example, passive transports are defined by the container criteria of their source and target containers, and changing the first and second neighbour containers does not affect the later creation of the transport. Care should only be taken when using the keywords FIRST_NEIGHBOR and SECOND_NEIGHBOR in the formulas.
Even in the latter case, swapping neighbors may not be critical. E.g. if both neighbor containers have the same parent container and the formula uses the path
, then swapping the formula path withSECOND_NEIGHBOR|..|Parameter1
would result in the same formula, because FIRST_NEIGHBOR|..
both point to the same container, making the formula invariant with respect to neighbor switching.But if the formula refers e.g. to
- then the neighbor order is relevant.
tab_population_containersdefines which containers are created in individual/population building blocks in PK-Sim. For each population, this is a subset of the containers defined in tab_containers.
tab_model_containersdefines which containers can be included into the final model. Whether a container is included into the model is estimated based on the value of the column usage_in_individual as following:
usage_in_individual = REQUIRED
if the container is available in the individual/population building block used for the model creation: container is added to the model
otherwise: error, model cannot be created
usage_in_individual = OPTIONAL
if the container is available in the individual/population building block used for the model creation: container is added to the model
otherwise: container is NOT added to the model
usage_in_individual = EXTENDED
container is added to the model in any case
containers of this type usually should not be defined in tab_population_containers (TODO s. the discussion)
Processes are defined as containers with container_type="PROCESS"
and must be inserted into tab_container_names first; once done they can be inserted into tab_processes and further process-specific tables.
tab_processescontains the following information about a process:
template defines whether a process is always added to the selected model or only on demand.
For example, all passive transports or FcRn binding reactions in a protein model have
template = 0
For example, active transports or metabolization reactions which are added only if the corresponding process was configured in a simulation in PK-Sim have
template = 1
group_name is used to identify where (in which building blocks or simulations) the processes are used in PK-Sim.
Processes with the parent group COMPOUND_PROCESSES are templates for active processes (active transport, specific binding, elimination, metabolization, inhibition, induction, ...) used in the compound building block of PK-Sim.
Processes with the group APPLICATION are application transports.
Processes with the group INDIVIDUAL_ACTIVE_PROCESS are templates for active transports, used in an Expression Profile building block. These templates have no parameters and are further specified in tab_transports (s. below).
Processes with the group PROTEIN describe production and degradation of proteins (enzymes, transporters, binding partners).
Processes with the group SIMULATION_ACTIVE_PROCESS describe the processes which are created in a simulation from both compound process template and individual (expression profile) process template.
Processes with the group UNDEFINED are processes where the group is not relevant (typically all passive processes).
kinetic_type is used for the mapping
{Compound process template, Individual process template} ▶️ Simulation process
Example: active transports
for the active transports there are currently 2 compound templates:
process group_name kinetic_type ActiveTransportSpecific_Hill
there are different individual active transport templates - specified by their source and target (Interstitial<=>Intracellular, Interstitial<=>Plasma, Blood Cells <=> Plasma etc.) (kinetic type is not specified on the individual building block level and thus is set to "Undefined")
process group_name kinetic_type ActiveEffluxSpecificIntracellularToInterstitial
In the simulation
ActiveTransportSpecific_MM (Compound) + ActiveEffluxSpecificIntracellularToInterstitial (Individual) ▶️ ActiveEffluxSpecificIntracellularToInterstitial_MM (Simulation)
ActiveTransportSpecific_Hill (Compound) + ActiveEffluxSpecificIntracellularToInterstitial (Individual) ▶️ ActiveEffluxSpecificIntracellularToInterstitial_Hill (Simulation)
process group_name kinetic_type ActiveEffluxSpecificIntracellularToInterstitial_Hill
process_type is used for more detailed process specification within a group and is used for various purposes in PK-Sim (s. e.g. FlatProcessToCompoundProcessMapper, FlatProcessToActiveProcessMapper,etc.)
group_name process_type ACTIVE_TRANSPORT
action_type is one of {
} (s. enum ProcessActionType).create_process_rate_parameter defines if the
Process Rate
parameter should be created for transport or reaction (s. OSP Suite documentation for details.)
tab_process_typesdefines available process types.
tab_kinetic_typesdefines available process kinetic types.
tab_process_descriptor_conditionsdescribes source and target container criteria for transports and source container criteria for reactions
tag_type can be one of
tab_process_moleculesdescribes the reactions which are always part of a model (like e.g. FcRn binding in the large molecules model) (TODO rename the table, s. the issue
direction can be of
(product) orMODIFIER
tab_process_ratesdescribes the rate (kinetic) of a process
Template processes with the parent group COMPOUND_PROCESSES and processes with the group INDIVIDUAL_ACTIVE_PROCESS always have
formula, because they are used in the corresponding building blocks where the process rate does not matter. The real rate is then set for the corresponding simulation process, e.g.process calculation_method formula_rate ActiveTransportSpecific_MM
tab_model_transport_molecule_namesrestricts which molecules are transported by a passive transport for particular model. As per default, passive transport will transfer all floating molecules from its source container to the target container. In this table, some molecules can be excluded (should_transport=0
) or transport can be restricted only to the specific molecules (should_transport=1
). S. the Passive Transports documentation (TODO rename the table, s. the issue
tab_transportsdefines which active transports can be created in the model. (TODO rename the table, s. the issue (TODO s. the discussion)
tab_transport_directionsdefines all available transport directions (TODO rename the table, s. the issue
tab_known_transportersDefines a global transporter direction for a {Species, Gene}
combination. When adding a transporter in PK-Sim that is not available in this data table: the transporter direction is set to default and the user is informed that the transporter was not found in the database. See Localizations, directions, and initial concentrations of transport proteins in the OSP Suite documentation.
tab_known_transporters_containersThe global transporter direction defines the default transporter direction and polarity in each organ. However, some organs may have different transporter properties. To account for this, the local transporter direction and/or polarity can be overridden in some organs by entries in this table. See Localizations, directions, and initial concentrations of transport proteins in the OSP Suite documentation.
tab_active_transport_typesdefines available active transport types (which is a subset of all transport types defined in enum TransportType).
Species and populations
Species defines the type of an individual (Human, Dog, Rat, Mouse, ...)
Population defines a subtype of a species. For each species, 1 or more populations can be defined.
tab_speciesdefines a species.
user_defined (TODO s. the discussion)
is_human (TODO s. the discussion)
tab_populationsdefines which populations are available for a given species.
is_age_dependent Specifies whether some population parameters have age-dependent information (such parameters are then defined in tab_container_parameter_curves). If a population is age dependent:
Age must be provided as an input when creating an individual
Age range must be provided as an input when creating a population
Aging option is available when creating a simulation
Age dependent ontogeny information will be used for proteins etc.
is_height_dependent Specifies whether height information is available for the given population. If a population is height dependent:
Height must be provided as an input when creating an individual
Height range must be provided as an input when creating a population
Organ volumes and some other anatomical parameters are scaled with the height when creating an individual, in simulations with aging etc.
Body surface area can be calculated
tab_gendersprovides definition of all available genders.
tab_population_gendersdefine genders available for a population. If no gender-specific data is available: gender is set to UNKNOWN
tab_population_agedefines the age range and the default age for the newly created individuals for all age-dependent populations.
default_age_unit is the default user interface unit used when creating individuals/populations for the given population.
tab_population_containersspecifies which containers are available for the given population (s. the Containers section for the explanation how this information is used when creating a simulation).
tab_species_calculation_methodsIf a parameter is defined by formula - this formula must be described by a calculation method (s. the Calculation methods and parameter value versions section for details). In such a case, this calculation method must be assigned to the species, which happens in tab_species_calculation_methods.
E.g. the calculation method
describes the calculation of some GI-related parameters based on the age and body height, which is currently applicable only to the speciesHuman
. Thus this calculation method is defined only forHuman
in the table
tab_species_parameter_value_versionsis the counterpart of tab_species_calculation_methods for parameters defined by a constant value. All constant values must be described by a parameter value version (s. the Calculation methods and parameter value versions section for details).
One of the reasons for introducing calculation methods and parameter value versions is that sometimes we have more than one possible alternative for defining a set of parameters.
E.g. we have several alternatives for the calculation of body surface area in humans. The corresponding entries in the table tab_species_calculation_methods are shown below.
species calculation_method Human
Body surface area - Du Bois
Body surface area - Mosteller
The fact that the above calculation methods are alternatives is defined by the fact that both have the same category defined in tab_calculation_methods (see section Calculation Methods and Parameter Value Versions for details). In PK-Sim, the user then has to select exactly one of these calculation methods (in the above example - during the individual creation, because the described parameters belong to the individual building block).
tab_model_speciesdefines which species can be used in combination with the given model.
tab_population_disease_statesThe PK-Sim database stores information for healthy individuals. For some populations, additional information is available for some disease states. This table indicates which disease states are available for a population. If any:
User can choose between healthy and one of the diseased states
If a disease state has been selected: additional input parameters may be required. In the database, these parameters are specified in a parentless container whose name is identical to the name of the selected disease state and with
, e.g:container_id container_type container_name parameter_name group_name building_block_type is_input … 5954
Disease-specific parameter values are currently NOT stored in the PK-Sim database. Instead, PK-Sim provides a "DiseaseState" class for each available disease state. In this class, a healthy individual is taken and then modified according to the specification of the given disease state. Examples:
CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) disease state: CKDDiseaseStateImplementation.cs
HI (Hepatic Impairment) disease state: HIDiseaseStateImplementation.cs
tab_disease_statesDescribes all currently available disease states.
tab_ontogeniesDefines ontogeny factors for some known proteins for a combination of {Protein, Species}
(s. the Documentation for details)
molecule name of the protein.
species name of the species
group_name specifies the localization of the ontogeny information:
is used to set ontogeny factor for the plasma protein binding (s. Documentation for details)For enzymes, transporters and binding partners (other than plasma binding partners), ontogeny information can be stored in 2 different ways:
Either the same (global) ontogeny factor for all containers. In this case, the group name is set to
Or two ontogeny factors: the first one for the intestine and the second one for the rest of the body. In this case, the group name for these 2 factors is set to
, respectively.
For for a combination of
{Protein, Species, Group}
, ontogeny information is stored in the form of the supporting points{Postmenstrual age (PMA), Ontogeny factor, Geometric Standard Deviation}
.If the individual's PMA is equal to one of the supporting points: the corresponding ontogeny factor value is used for the calculation.
If the PMA of the individual is less than the minimum PMA of the supporting points: the ontogeny factor corresponding to the minimum PMA is used.
If the PMA of the individual is greater than the maximum PMA of the supporting points: the ontogeny factor corresponding to the maximum PMA is used.
In other cases, the ontogeny factor is calculated by linear interpolation from two supporting points.
Container parameters
This section describes the definition of {Container, Parameter}
combinations. Another (dynamic) way to define parameters is described in the section Calculation method parameters below.
tab_parametersdescribes an abstract parameter (e.g. "Volume"), which can be inserted in various containers.
dimension must be one of the dimensions defined in the OSP Dimensions Repository.
default_unit [OPTIONAL] The default unit to use in the UI (unless the user specifies otherwise). Must be one of the units defined for the parameter dimension in the OSP Dimensions Repository. If empty: the default unit from the OSP Dimensions Repository for the parameter dimension is used.
tab_dimensionslists the available dimensions.
dimension must be one of the dimensions defined in the OSP Dimensions Repository.
kernel_unit is not used. Is only helpful when creating some database reports etc. Must be identical with the base unit of the corresponding dimension defined in the OSP Dimensions Repository.
tab_container_parametersSpecifies a {Container, Parameter}
{container_id, container_type, container_name} specifies the container.
parameter_name specifies the parameter.
visible specifies if the parameter is shown in the PK-Sim UI (when sent to MoBi, this flag is translated into the Advanced parameter property.)
read_only specifies if the parameter can be edited by user in the PK-Sim UI
can_be_varied is used to allow the variation of some read-only parameters outside of PK-Sim (e.g. in MoBi or via the R interface).
Example: for the Arterial Blood container, the following parameters are defined in PK-Sim:
container_name parameter_name can_be_varied read_only visible ArterialBlood
Allometric scale factor
Density (tissue)
Fraction vascular
Peripheral blood flow fraction
Weight (tissue)
If we create a sensitivity analysis in PK-Sim, only the parameters
Peripheral Blood Flow Fraction
will be available for variation because of the flag combination{visible=1, read_only=0, can_be_varied=1}
.However, if we send the simulation to MoBi and create a sensitivity analysis there, all parameters from the table above, except
Allometric Scale Factor
, will be available for variation (in Advanced Mode), due tocan_be_varied=1
.can_be_varied_in_population specifies (together with is_changed_by_create_individual - s. below) if a parameter defined by value or by formula (s. below) can be used for the User Defined Variability in populations or population simulations.
group_name defines how parameters are displayed in the PK-Sim UI (s. below and also see the description in the OSP documentation).
build_mode can be one of the following:
(s. the OSP documentation for details).building_block_type can be one of the following:
. Used to determine which parameters can be added to a container at the building block level and which at the simulation level.is_input is used to specify whether a parameter that has NOT been changed by the user should be exported to the project snapshot or not.
Why we need this: some parameters have default values just for user convenience. In principle, these values should be empty/NaN by default. However, to reduce the amount of user input required, the parameters have been set to some value.
For example, when creating a new compound, the default value is "
Is small molecule = 1
". When the user creates a new small molecule compound, this value is apparently kept AS IS. But in fact it's a user input, which is implicit here, meaning that the value of "Is small molecule
" must be exported to the snapshot in any case.is_changed_by_create_individual indicates whether a parameter is changed by the Create Individual algorithm. This includes both directly modified parameters (= age-dependent parameters specified in tab_container_parameter_curves, see below) and indirectly modified parameters (such as the blood flows). Parameters with
is_changed_by_create_individual = 1
always appear in the Distribution tab of PK-Sim and are not available for user-defined variability.
tab_groupsdefines the group hierarchy. In the parameter view of individuals/populations/simulations in PK-Sim, each visible parameter is displayed within its group. (s. OSP Suite documentation for details)
parent_group specifies the parent group (if any). Groups without a parent are displayed at the top level.
is_advanced defines whether the group is displayed in the simple view or only in the advanced view.
visible determines whether the group is visible in the parameter view. If a parameter is visible but belongs to a hidden group, it can still be displayed in either the Hierarchy View mode or in the "All" Parameters group.
pop_display_name [OPTIONAL] is used to display parameters in the "User Defined Variability" and "Distribution" tabs of populations and population simulations. If empty: the display_name of the group is used.
full_name is not used by PK-Sim. Shown in MoBi when a simulation is sent from PK-Sim (MoBi does not provide hierarchical parameter view by group like PK-Sim).
unique_id Unique group id used to identify a group in MoBi or when importing a simulation from pkml in PK-Sim. Should never be changed in the DB! With each new OSP release a GroupRepository.xml file is generated by PK-Sim and placed under C:\ProgramData\Open Systems Pharmacology\MoBi\X.Y. Here the complete group information (display name, description, icon, ..) is stored. In pkml files, only the unique group ID is stored.
tab_molecule_parametersdescribes some global protein parameters (like "Reference concentration" etc.)
The value of a container parameter can be defined in one of three possible ways:
By a formula specified in tab_container_parameter_rates.
A formula is neither species nor population dependent.
By constant value specified in tab_container_parameter_values.
A constant value is species dependent but not population dependent.
By age-dependent probability distribution specified in tab_container_parameter_curves.
It is possible, that for a combination {container_id, container_type, container_name, parameter_name
} we have several entries in different tables (e.g. several formulas or formula and value etc.).
When creating a building block or simulation, some entries are filtered out because the calculation method or parameter value version of the entry does not belong to the species/population/model of the created building block/simulation.
If we still have more than one entry - the corresponding calculation methods or parameter value versions must be of the same category (i.e. they represent possible alternatives for the parameter definition). See the sections Species and Populations and Calculation Methods and Parameter Value Versions for more details.
tab_container_parameter_ratesdefines a formula for the given parameter in the given container.
container_id, container_type, container_name defines the container.
parameter_name defines the parameter in the given container.
calculation_method, formula_rate defines the formula (s. the section Formulas (Calculation method - rates) for more details on formulas).
tab_container_parameter_valuesdefines a constant value for the combination {Container, Parameter, Species, Parameter Value Version}.
container_id, container_type, container_name defines the container.
parameter_name defines the parameter in the given container.
species defines the species.
parameter_value_version defines which parameter value version the given value belongs to (s. the section [Calculation methods and parameter value versions](Calculation methods and parameter value versions) for more details).
default_value parameter value for the combination of the properties above.
tab_container_parameter_curvesdescribes age-dependent and/or distributed parameters.
How does it work (all bullet points below apply for a combination {parameter_value_version, species, container_id, container_type, container_name, parameter_name, population, gender, gestational_age
N supporting age points are defined (N>=1): Age_min, … , Age_max
For an individual of given age: mean and sd value are interpolated based on the mean and sd of defined supported points
Age < Age_min
:mean(Age) = mean(Age_min)
andsd(Age) = sd(Age_min)
Age > Age_max
:mean(Age) = mean(Age_max)
andsd(Age) = sd(Age_max)
Age_min ≤ Age ≤ Age_max
: both mean and sd are linearly interpolated between their 2 adjacent supporting points (if the Age is one of the supporting points, then mean and sd are obviously taken from it without interpolation).
Distribution type must be always the same for all ages.
If we have only age dependency but no distribution, we set
(constant) andsd = 0
for all supporting points.If both mean and sd are constant for all ages: we define only 1 supporting point (usually with
Age = 0
tab_distribution_typeslists all available probability distributions.
tab_compound_process_parameter_mappingWhen creating a process in a compound building block, the values of the Calculation parameters of this process are taken from the mapped parameters of the default individual for the default population (the latter is specified in the PK-Sim options) of the species defined by the user during the process creation (see the OSP Suite documentation for details).
tab_container_parameter_rhsIf a parameter is defined by a differential equation, the right-hand side (RHS) of that equation is given in this table.
tab_container_parameter_descriptor_conditionsis used to restrict the creation of local protein parameters to specific containers.
tag Tag of a container in which the parameter should (or should not) be created.
condition Criteria condition for the tag.
operator Specifies how to combine single criteria conditions for the combination {
container_id, container_type, container_name, parameter_name
}. Must be the same for all entries in this combination. Possible values are 'And' and 'Or'.
tab_conditionsspecifies available (container) criteria conditions. Values must be the same as defined by the enum CriteriaCondition
in PK-Sim.
Calculation method parameters
Apart from the container parameters described above, some parameters are created dynamically when the model uses a particular calculation method.
Some calculation methods rely on a large number of supporting parameters, which are only used to create other parameters and are of no interest once the "main" parameters are created.
To avoid adding tons of supporting parameters for all possible combinations of calculation methods, the concept of "Calculation method parameters" was introduced, which allows adding supporting parameters on demand.
To enable calculation method parameters also in MoBi: with each new OSP release a AllCalculationMethods.pkml file is generated by PK-Sim and placed under C:\ProgramData\Open Systems Pharmacology\MoBi\X.Y. Here the complete supporting parameter information (parameter properties, location, formula) is stored.
tab_calculation_method_parameter_ratesdefines which parameters are added dynamically. Another task of this table is to dynamically assign formulas to the "main" parameters initially defined by a black-box formula. The latter is described in more detail in the section Black Box Formulas.
parameter_id unique id, only used internally in the database.
parameter_name name of the supporting parameter to add.
group_name, can_be_varied, can_be_varied_in_population, read_only, visible have the same meaning as for the container parameters.
{calculation_method, rate} define for which calculation method and with which formula the parameter will be added.
tab_calculation_method_parameter_descr_conditionsdefines the containers in which a supporting parameter should be created. Containers are described by their tags; single criteria conditions for a parameter id are combined by AND
Formulas (Calculation method - rates)
This section describes the formulas defined in the PK-Sim database. This includes:
formulas defined by an analytical equation (explicit formulas)
sum formulas
table formulas with offset
table formulas with X argument
An explicit formula is defined by the equation $f(P_1, ... P_n; M_1, ..., M_k; C_1, ... C_j; TIME)$ where:
$f$ is an analytical function
$P_1, ... P_n$ ($n \geq 0$) are model parameters
$M_1, ..., M_k$ ($k \geq 0$) are molecule amounts
$C_1, ... C_j$ ($j \geq 0$) are molecule concentrations
$TIME$ is the current time (related to the begin of the simulation run)
A sum formula is defined by the equation $f(P_1, ... P_n; M_1, ..., M_k; C_1, ... C_j; TIME;$ Q_#i
$)$ where:
is a control variable (parameter, molecule amount, etc.) defined by certain conditionsall other arguments have the same meaning as in an explicit formula
A table formula with offset is defined by 2 quantities (see the OSP documentation for details):
table object with the
(defined by the support points { $time_i;value_i$} )offset object with the
The X argument of the table object is always the (simulation) time, and the formula returns the value Table_formula(Time - Offset_formula(Time;...))
A table formula with X argument is a generalization of table formula with offset and is defined by 2 quantities
table object with the
(defined by the support points { $x_i;value_i$} ).X argument object with the
The table's X argument is arbitrary, and the formula returns the value $Table_formula(XArgument_formula(...))$.
S. the OSP Suite documentation: Working with Formulas and Sum Formulas for more details on formulas.
tab_ratesdescribes an abstract formula.
tab_calculation_methodsdescribes a calculation method. A calculation method describes how a group of quantities (parameters, molecule initial values, etc.) are defined by their formulas. A decision about which quantities should be described by the same calculation method is usually based on information about which formulas would change when the user switches from one (sub)model to another. For example, if the user chooses a different method for calculating the Body Surface Area (BSA) - only the BSA parameter itself is affected, and thus only this parameter is described by the corresponding calculation methods. If the user chooses another method for calculating the surface area between the plasma and the interstitial space - the Surface Area (Plasma/Interstitial) parameters in all tissues organs are affected: thus all these parameters are grouped in the same calculation method.
category calculation methods belonging to the same category are alternatives, which can be selected by user (s. also the section Container Parameters)
tab_categoriesspecifies the categories of calculation methods.
category_type describes for which building block or simulation all calculation methods of the given category are valid. For example, if the category type of a calculation method is "Individual" - the calculation method will be used when creating an individual. Valid values of the category type are defined by the
enum CategoryType
tab_calculation_method_ratesdefines the formula equation for the combination {calculation_method, formula_rate
calculation_method defines the calculation method. Some calculation methods have a special meaning and are described in more detail in the next subsections:
formula_rate defines the formula.
For some frequently used constant rates specific formulas were defined:
Some calculation methods have a special meaning and are described in more detail in the next subsections:
formula defines the equation for the combination {
calculation_method, formula_rate
}. Which operators, standard functions, etc. are allowed is described in the OSP Suite documentation - Working with Formulas.It is allowed to leave the formula field empty. Quantity with empty formula becomes mandatory user input in PK-Sim UI. This means that only visible and editable quantities are allowed to have an empty formula.
Formula can be set to $\pm \infty$. Valid values for this are:
It is important to write efficient formulas. Check the WIKI Writing efficient formulas for details.
Constant values in equations should be avoided. It is always better to define a new parameter, set it to the constant value, and then use that parameter in the equation. Exceptions are constants whose meaning is immediately clear (e.g.
, etc.). Because:In the parameter definition, we can add description, value origin, etc. All of this information is missing when you use a constant directly in an equation.
Unit information is lost and this can easily lead to errors (happens quite often in MoBi, when users add constants to their formulas, see e.g. this discussion).
dimension the dimension of the formula. Used e.g. by the dimension check in MoBi to make sure that the quantities using the given formula have the same dimension.
tab_rate_container_parametersparameters referenced by the formula of the combination {calculation_method, formula_rate
}. Parameters are given by the combination of {container_id, container_type, container_name, parameter_name
alias is the alias of the referenced parameter used in the calculation. The rules for defining aliases are
Aliases of all quantities referenced in the formula must be unique and not empty.
Alias cannot be a number.
Alias must not contain any of the characters
+ - * \ / ^ . , < > = ! ( ) [ ] { } ' " ? : ¬ | & ;
Alias must not contain blanks.
Alias cannot be one of the predefined standard constants (s. the OSP Suite documentation - Working with Formulas).
Alias cannot be one of the predefined standard functions (s. the OSP Suite documentation - Working with Formulas).
Alias cannot be one of the predefined logical operators (s. the OSP Suite documentation - Working with Formulas).
tab_rate_container_moleculesmolecules referenced by the formula of the combination {calculation_method, formula_rate
}. Molecules are given by the combination of {container_id, container_type, container_name, molecule
alias is the alias of the referenced parameter used in the calculation. Alias rules apply (s. above).
use_amount specifies whether the amount or concentration of the given molecule is used.
tab_rate_generic_parametersparameters referenced by the formula of the combination {calculation_method, formula_rate
}. Parameters are given by the combination of {path_id, parameter_name
path_id refers to the (relative) object path stored in the table tab_object_paths (s. below).
alias is the alias of the referenced parameter used in the calculation. Alias rules apply (s. above).
tab_rate_generic_moleculesparameters referenced by the formula of the combination {calculation_method, formula_rate
}. Parameters are given by the combination of {path_id, molecule
path_id refers to the (relative) object path stored in the table tab_object_paths (s. below).
alias is the alias of the referenced molecule used in the calculation. Alias rules apply (s. above).
use_amount specifies whether the amount or concentration of the given molecule is used.
There are some "special" containers defined in tab_container_names that are not used in the container hierarchy defined in tab_containers. These containers are only used for referential integrity when defining some relative object paths. (TODO s. the issue)
tab_object_pathsdescribes (relative) paths of quantities used in a formula (see the OSP Suite documentation - Working with Formulas for details). Each entry of an object path is stored separately, with its own id and the id of its parent path entry. Tables tab_rate_generic_XXX have the reference to the bottom element of the object path (see the example below).
path_id is the unique id of the path entry.
parent_path_id is the id of the parent path entry. If there is no parent path entry: the parent path id is set equal to the path id!
{ref_container_type, ref_container_name} name and type of the container which is referenced by the path entry.
tab_object_paths contains the following path entries:
path_id | parent_path_id | ref_container_type | ref_container_name |
260 | 259 | GENERAL | MOLECULE |
259 | 2078 | NEIGHBORHOOD | Brain_pls_Brain_int |
2078 | 2078 | GENERAL | Neighborhoods |
These entries represent the path Neighborhoods|Brain_pls_Brain_int|MOLECULE
In tab_rate_generic_parameters the path is referenced like this:
calculation_method | formula_rate | path_id | parameter_name | alias |
Interstitial partition coefficient method - Schmitt | PARAM_K_water_int_brn_Schmitt | 260 | Partition coefficient (interstitial/plasma) | K_int_pls |
With this, the full path to the referenced parameter is:
Neighborhoods|Brain_pls_Brain_int|MOLECULE|Partition coefficient (interstitial/plasma)
Sum formulas
See the OSP Suite documentation - Sum Formulas for more details.
Sum formulas in the PK-Sim database must have the calculation method DynamicSumFormulas.
Compared to the full flexibility of the sum formulas provided in MoBi, there are some restrictions:
Control variable (
in the screenshot below) can only be defined with 1 letter.Quantity references relative to the summed object (the highlighted part of the definition below) are not possible.
The operator for combining the conditions of each criterion is always `And'.
tab_calculation_method_rate_descriptor_conditionsdefines the criteria of the quantities to be summed up for the combination {calculation_method, rate
condition criteria condition for the target container.
tag the tag of the single condition.
tab_conditionsspecifies available (container) criteria conditions. Values must be the same as defined by the enum CriteriaCondition
in PK-Sim.
"Black box" formulas
Some molecule-dependent parameters defined within the spatial structure have a formula that depends on the calculation methods of the specific molecule. Examples of such parameters are partition coefficients, cellular permeabilities, etc.Within the spatial structure, these parameters are defined by a dummy formula - black-box formula - which is replaced by a concrete formula for each molecule.All black box formulas are combined within the calculation method `BlackBox_CalculationMethod'.
The concrete (calculation method dependent) formulas are then defined in the table tab_calculation_method_parameter_rates (and exported to AllCalculationMethods.pkml for MoBi) - see the section Calculation method parameters.
Example of how black box parameters are displayed in MoBi:
Disease state parameters
Parameters specific to disease states are grouped under the DiseaseStates
calculation method.
Table formulas with offset
If a formula_rate starts with the prefix TableFormulaWithOffset_ (e.g. TableFormulaWithOffset_FractionDose
) - PK-Sim will create a table formula with offset.
PK-Sim then expects that exactly 2 referenced quantities are defined for the formula: one quantity with the alias Table
and another quantity with the alias Offset
. Example:
calculation_method | formula_rate | path_id | parameter_name | alias |
ApplicationParameter | TableFormulaWithOffset_FractionDose | 139 | Start time | Offset |
ApplicationParameter | TableFormulaWithOffset_FractionDose | 253 | Fraction (dose) | Table |
Table formulas with X argument
If a formula_rate starts with the prefix TableFormulaWithXArgument_ (e.g. TableFormulaWithXArgument_Solubility
) - PK-Sim will create a table formula with X Argument.
PK-Sim then expects, that exactly 2 referenced quantities are defined for the formula: one quantity with the alias Table
and another quantity with the alias XArg
. Example:
calculation_method | formula_rate | path_id | parameter_name | alias |
Lumen_PKSim | TableFormulaWithXArgument_Solubility | 140 | pH | XArg |
Lumen_PKSim | TableFormulaWithXArgument_Solubility | 240 | Solubility table | Table |
Calculation methods and parameter value versions
tab_modelsdefines available PBPK models, which can be selected during the simulation creation (e.g. "Small molecules model", "Large molecules model" etc.).
short_display_name is used in some places in the UI, where the fully qualified model display name is too long.
tab_calculation_methodsdefines a calculation method (CM). A calculation method describes how a group of quantities (parameters, molecule initial values, etc.) are defined by their formulas. A decision about which quantities should be described by the same CM is usually based on information about which formulas would change when the user switches from one (sub)model to another. For example, if the user chooses a different method for calculating the Body Surface Area (BSA) - only the BSA parameter itself is affected, and thus only this parameter is described by the corresponding calculation method. If the user chooses another method for calculating the surface area between the plasma and the interstitial space - the Surface Area (Plasma/Interstitial) parameters in all tissues organs are affected: thus all these parameters are grouped in the same calculation method. More details on calculation methods are provided in the section Formulas (Calculation method - rates).
category calculation methods belonging to the same category are alternatives, which can be selected by user.
tab_parameter_value_versionsdefines a parameter value version (PVV). A parameter value version describes how a group of parameters are defined by their constant values or their distributions. A decision about which parameters should be described by the same PVV is usually based on information about which parameters would change when the user switches from one PVV to another. More details on parameter value versions are provided in the sections Species and populations and Container parameters.
tab_categoriesspecifies the categories of calculation methods and parameter value versions.
category_type describes for which building block or simulation all calculation methods or parameter value versions of the given category are valid. For example, if the category type of a calculation method is "Individual" - the calculation method will be used when creating an individual. Valid values of the category type are defined by the
enum CategoryType
tab_species_calculation_methodsdefines which calculation methods are available for the given species.
tab_species_parameter_value_versionsis the counterpart of tab_species_calculation_methods and defines which parameter value versions are available for the given species.
tab_model_calculation_methodsdefines which calculation methods are available for a model.
Now, when it comes to creating a building block or simulation, the algorithm for determining which CMs and PVVs to use is as follows:
Identify all PVVs with the category type corresponding to the type of the block/simulation.
If the building block type is "Individual": remove all PVVs that are not assigned to the species of the individual (via tab_species_parameter_value_versions).
Group all remaining PVVs according to their category.
For each group with $\geq$ 2 PVVs: these PVVs are alternatives and the user has to choose exactly one of them to be used in the building block/simulation.
Identify all CMs with the category type corresponding to the type of the block/simulation.
If the building block type is "Individual": remove all CMs that are not assigned to the species of the individual (via tab_species_calculation_methods).
Group all remaining CMs according to their category.
For each group with $\geq$ 2 CMs: these CMs are alternatives and the user has to choose exactly one of them to be used in the building block/simulation.
Applications and formulations
Applications are containers with container_type="APPLICATION"`.
Formulations are containers with container_type="FORMULATION"`.
In the container hierarchy (defined in tab_containers):
Formulations are always top-level containers with no parent.
Applications always have a formulation as parent container.
For applications that do not require a formulation (e.g. IV),
is defined as the parent container.
Id | Type | Name | ParentId | ParentType | ParentName |
1725 | APPLICATION | Intravenous | 1718 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Empty |
1724 | APPLICATION | IntravenousBolus | 1718 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Empty |
1722 | APPLICATION | Oral_Dissolved | 1717 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Dissolved |
5101 | APPLICATION | Oral_Particles | 5100 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Particles |
5268 | APPLICATION | Oral_Table | 5262 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Table |
5045 | APPLICATION | Oral_Tablet_Lint80 | 5044 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Tablet_Lint80 |
1728 | APPLICATION | Oral_Tablet_Weibull | 1720 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Tablet_Weibull |
5344 | APPLICATION | UserDefined_Dissolved | 1717 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Dissolved |
5239 | APPLICATION | UserDefined_FirstOrder | 1719 | FORMULATION | Formulation_FirstOrder |
5284 | APPLICATION | UserDefined_Table | 5262 | FORMULATION | Formulation_Table |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Each application has a ProtocolSchemaItem
subcontainer which stores some parameters common to all applications (e.g. Start time
, Dose
, etc.) and some application specific parameters (e.g. Amount of water
for oral applications).
Each application also has an Application_StartEvent
subcontainer that defines the application start event.
Most applications have an Application_StopEvent
subcontainer that defines the application stop event.
Other application subcontainers are application specific (e.g. transport(s) Application ▶️ Organism, other subcontainers, etc.). For example, for the Intravenous (infusion) application has the following subcontainers:
container_id | container_type | container_name | parent_container_id | parent_container_type | parent_container_name |
1731 | GENERAL | ProtocolSchemaItem | 1725 | APPLICATION | Intravenous |
1739 | EVENT | Application_StartEvent | 1725 | APPLICATION | Intravenous |
1745 | EVENT | Application_StopEvent | 1725 | APPLICATION | Intravenous |
1748 | PROCESS | Intravenous_Transport | 1725 | APPLICATION | Intravenous |
tab_formulation_routesdefines the formulations.
formulation is the name of the formulation.
container_type is always "FORMULATION".
route is the route of administration (IV, oral, dermal, ...) for which the formulation is intended.
tab_applicationsdefines the top container of an application.
application_name is the name of the application.
container_type is always "APPLICATION".
application_type is the route of administration (TODO rename, s. the Issue)
tab_application_typesdefines all available administration routes (TODO rename, s. the Issue)
application_type is the route of administration (TODO rename, s. the Issue)
is_formulation_required indicates whether a formulation definition is required for the given route.
Events are containers with container_type="EVENT"
In the container hierarchy (defined in tab_containers) event are usually children of containers of type "APPLICATION
Each event is described by the event condition and the quantities that are changed by this event.
tab_event_conditionsdefines the event condition of an event.
{event_id, event_container_type, event_name} are the id, type and name of the event container.
{calculation_method, formula_rate} define the formula of the event condition (typically a boolean formula which can return only 0 or 1).
is_one_time specifies whether the event is triggered whenever the event condition is met (
) or only at the first simulation time point when the event condition is met.
tab_event_changed_container_molecules, tab_event_changed_container_parameters, tab_event_changed_generic_molecules, tab_event_changed_generic_parametersdefine which parameters or molecule amounts are modified by an event. The referencing of the modified quantities of an event is done in the same way as the referencing of the quantities used in a formula and defined in the tables tab_rate_container_molecules, tab_rate_container_parameters, tab_rate_generic_molecules, tab_rate_generic_parameters (s. the section Formulas (Calculation method - rates)) for details.
{event_id, event_container_type, event_name} are the id, type and name of the event container.
{calculation_method, formula_rate} defines the formula that will be applied to the changed quantity when the event is triggered.
use_as_value defines if the formula is assigned as a formula or as a value of the formula, calculated at the time point of the assignment.
use_amount (TODO delete - s. the issue)
S. the OSP Documentation on events for more details.
tab_observersspecifies an observer.
observer name of the observer.
observer_type TODO s. the discussion.
category always set to
. (TODO s. the discussion).builder_type "
", which corresponds to "Molecule Observer" and "Container Observer in MoBi" (s. the OSP Suite documentation for details).is_for_all_molecules (TODO s. the discussion)
dimension dimension of the observer.
tab_observer_ratesdefines the monitor formula of the observer.
tab_observer_descriptor_conditionsdefines criteria for containers where the observer will be created. Single container criteria are combined by "AND
observer name of the observer.
tag is a tag of a container in which the observer should (or should not) be created.
tag_type Is always set to "
" (TODO s. the discussion)should_have specifies whether the target container should or should not have the given tag..
Entities defined by formulas
The picture above shows an overview of all quantities which are described by a formula. Most tables are explained in other sections.
tab_container_ratesis currently not used. This table was introduced to define some conditions which cannot be described by the boundary criteria (min/max) of a quantity. E.g. for the condition "Sum of compartment fractions of an organ = 1".
tab_protein_namesstores the names of known proteins.
tab_protein_synonymsstores synonyms of the protein names.
tab_ontogenies is described in detail above.
tab_molecule_parameters is described in detail above.
tab_models defines available PBPK models and is described above.
tab_model_calculation_methods is described above.
tab_model_observersdefines which observers are available for the given model.
tab_model_species defines which species can be used in combination with the given model and is described above.
tab_model_containers defines which containers can be included into the final model and is described above.
tab_moleculesdefines the default properties (start amount, IsPresent, etc.) for administered compounds and endogenous molecules. For each model container, these default settings can be overwritten by entries in tab_container_molecule_start_formulas and tab_model_container_molecules (s. below)
molecule the name of the molecule.
default_is_present is the molecule present as per default.
start_formula_calculation_method, start_formula_rate defined the default start formula for the molecule. E.g. for administered compounds start formula is always zero; etc.
is_floating defines whether the molecule is floating or stationary.
molecule_type type of the molecule (administered compound, Enzyme, Transporter, etc.)
tab_model_transport_molecule_names restricts which molecules are transported by a passive transport for particular model and is described above.
tab_container_moleculesused for referential integrity only; not exposed to PK-Sim. (TODO s. the discussion)
tab_model_container_moleculesoverwrites some default (global) molecule properties on the model container level.
negative_values_allowed overrides the default setting (FALSE; defined programmatically and not in the database).
is_present overrides the global molecule setting defined in tab_molecules.
tab_container_molecule_start_formulasoverwrites some default (global) molecule properties on the model container level.
calculation_method, formula_rate overrides the global molecule start amount formula in tab_molecules.
The picture below describes for which objects descriptor criteria (descriptor conditions) are defined in the database.
tab_tagsdefines all possible tags. The name of each container is added as tag programmatically in OSPSuite.Core. So there is no need to insert all container names into tab_tags or tab_container_tags.
tab_criteria_conditionsdescribes all available conditions. Each condition must be available in the enum CriteriaCondition
in PK-Sim.
All other tables are explained in the previous sections.
Value origins
Value origin describes the data source of a value or formula.
tab_referencesdescribes a data source (e.g. publication).
tab_value_originsdescribes available value origins.
id is the unique id of a value origin. This id is used in all referencing tables.
description is either empty or refers an entry in tab_references.
source must be one of the values define in enum ValueOriginSourceId (database default: "
").method must be one of the values define in enum ValueOriginDeterminationMethodId (database default: "
Representation Info
tab_representation_infodefines the display properties (display name, description, icon) for some entities, which are not covered by other database tables.
Full schema
Tables reference
Last updated